
How to Set Your Goals for 2019

How to Set Your Goals for 2019

2018 is coming to an end which means that 2019 is just around the corner. There is no doubt that you’ve had a great year and are ready to make the next one the most successful year yet. I’ve seen all kinds of people swear that the new year is going to be “their year,” filled with moves leading to success, only to accomplish nothing. Now, I’ve done some thinking and have come up with the best ways that you can take full advantage of 2019. These tips are guaranteed to move you in the right direction and give you the best start to the new year.

Start Now

If you want to make moves in 2019, don’t wait for January 1st to start. Don’t even think of putting it off, begin the hustle today. This not only gives you a head start on getting things done, but it also gives you an advantage over everyone who waits for 2019. By getting the ball rolling tomorrow, you will be head of the game into accomplishing your objectives. If you find a reason to procrastinate, you can find yourself putting it off indefinitely. Start now to get ahead of everyone else and much closer to your 2019 goals.

Think Two-Steps Ahead

Preparation is a huge part of being successful, so make sure that you are thinking at least two steps ahead of everything. This is important for a few reasons. First, it allows you to be ahead of the curve in a big way. Sure you have a great idea, but how are you going to make it a reality? Secondly, you want to make sure no one can duplicate your success and become a rival. Sam Walkin, a successful economist and author, believes that all entrepreneurs who want to be successful should ask themselves, “How can I do something and then no one will be able to follow me?” Always be two steps ahead of the game to make sure that you win.

Plan on Working Harder

If you don’t want your dreams to just be dreams in 2019, plan on working harder than everyone else. Will Smith, an extremely successful actor who needs no introduction, has said: “If we get on the treadmill together, there’s two things [that are going to happen]: You’re getting off first, or I’m going to die.” Your hustle is the one thing that can make you better than the rest. You might not be the smartest or fastest person, but if you work the hardest you can overcome any obstacle. It doesn’t matter who gets on that treadmill with you, work harder than them or die trying.

Prepare to use your resources

Here is an important question you need to ask yourself; are you utilizing all of the resources you have at your disposal? Taking advantage of the resources you have is the best thing you can do to achieve your goals. All successful business professionals and entrepreneurs are masters of using what they have to their advantage, so why shouldn’t you? Use your resources to further your goals. If you can take advantage of what you have, you are one step closer to major achievements.

Believe in Yourself

Before you even think about achieving the success you desire, you need to believe that you will succeed. This simple belief will give you a huge confidence boost, and being confident is one of the keys to your dreams. If you are lacking confidence, it can have a major impact on your work and lead to a hit on your income. Worst of all, thinking you will fail can result in your giving up too early or not trying your best. In 2019, strive to believe in yourself and be confident; it could make or break your dreams of success.

If 2019 is going to be your year, you have to start making moves now! Not tomorrow, not January first, today. Believe in yourself and make sure you are thinking ahead so no one can stop you. These steps, along with utilizing your resources and working harder than everyone else, will make you the successful person everyone is jealous of in the new year.

If you want more advice on how to be successful, regardless of your goals, contact me right away. I have years of experience coaching people to success. My track record speaks for itself and your goals will become my goals. Be sure to check out my blog for more great tips to success.